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  • Mihashi, T., Nakamura, N., Saika, M., Yoshida, K., Yamaguchi, T., Yamauchi, Y., Sakata, K., Fukuda, K., and Uchikawa, K.: Optical design of hypersperctral two-dimensional dispay and its application, Fall Vision Meeting (2011)
  • Yokoya, M., Yamamoto, S., Yamauchi, Y., Yamamoto, S., Ouda O., Nakaguchi, T., and Tsumura, N.:Subjective Evaluation of Specular Appearance for Multiple Observations using Projector-based Appearance Reproduction,International Conference on Imaging and Printing Technologies,17-20 Aug,Vol.1,pp.215-220, (2011)
  • Hirasawa, M., and Yamauchi, Y.: Luminance inhomogeneity measurement of OLED lihting devices for optical enhancement structures, CIE2011 (2011)
  • Suzuki, T., Suzuki, M., Yamauchi, Y., and Okajima, K. : Development of simple color bipartite apparatus using single light source with LEDs and measurement of individual color matching functions, AIC 2011 Midterm Meeting, 193 (2011)
  • Yokoya, M., Yamamoto, S., Yamauchi, Y., Yamamoto, S., Ouda O., Nakaguchi, T., and Tsumura, N.:Subjective Evaluation of Specular Appearance for Multiple Observations using Projector-based Appearance Reproduction,3rd Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW2011)
  • Sawabe, M., Yamamoto, S., Nakaguchi, T., Yamauchi, Y., and Tsumura, N.: A study for gloss perception on stereo display using magnitude estimation method, J Vis December 22, 2010 10(15): 60; doi:10.1167/10.15.60 (2010)
  • Yamauchi, Y. Suzuki, M., Suzuki, T. and Okajima, K.: Measurement of color matching functions with a compact and simple apparatus using LEDs, J Vis December 22, 2010 10(15): 65; doi:10.1167/10.15.65 (2010)
  • Mihashi, T., Nakamura, N., Yamauchi, Y., Uchikawa, K., and Sakata, K.: Hyperspectral one dimensional visual stimulus generator, J Vis December 22, 2010 10(15): 68; doi:10.1167/10.15.68 (2010)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Hirasawa, M. and Kido, J.: Colour discrimination and categorical colour perception under organic electroluminescent illumination, 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on color appearance, 132-135 (2010)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Oda, A., Shimada, S., Hirasawa, M. and Kido, J.: Categorical color perception under organic electroluminescence illumination, Proc. CIE 2010 "Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency", 598-601 (2010)
  • Green, P., Yamauchi, Y. and Schanda, J.: Progress in the measurement of office illumination, Proc. AIC, (2009)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Nakano, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Comparison between an algebraic method and the maximum saturation method to estimate individual color matching functions [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 7(15):113, 113a,
    http://journalofvision.org/7/15/113/, doi:10.1167/7.15.113 (2007)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Nakano, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Measurement of individual color matching functions, KEER2007 (2007.10)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Nakano, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Measurement of color matching functions with a digital micro-mirror device [Abstract], Vision, 18 Supplement, 120 (2006)
  • Uchikawa, K. and Yamauchi, Y.: Categorical color constancy is more tolerant than apparent color constancy [Abstract]. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 31 Supplement, 49 (2004)
  • Sugie, K., Yamauchi, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Effects of spatial arrangements of surfaces on illumination estimation [Abstract]. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 31 Supplement, 170 (2004)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Kawahara, T., Nakano, Y., & Uchikawa, K.: Metameric matching and its compensation with individual color matching functions [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 4(11), 93a, http://journalofvision.org/4/11/93/, doi:10.1167/4.11.93. (2004)
  • Yamauchi, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Depth information affects the judgment of the surface-color mode appearance [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 4(8), 326a, http://journalofvision.org/4/8/326/, doi:10.1167/4.8.326 (2004)
  • Uchikawa, K., Yamauchi, Y. and Yokoi, K.: Categorical color constancy is more tolerant than apparent color constancy [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 4(8), 327a, http://journalofvision.org/4/8/327/, doi:10.1167/4.8.327 (2004)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Nakano, Y., Kamata, M., Okajima, K., Uchikawa, K., Murakami, Y., Yamaguchi, M. and Oyama, N.: Measurement of color matching functions using a digital micro-mirror device, Fall Vision Meeting 2003, Journal of Vision, 3 (12), 66a, http://journalofvision.org/3/12/66/, doi:10.1167/3.12.66. (2003)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D.R., Carroll, J., Neitz, J., and Neitz, M.: The longevity of the effects caused by a long-term chromatic alteration, the Optical Society of America Conference at UC Irvine, 2001.
  • Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D.R., Brainard, D.H., Roorda, A., Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J., Calderone, J.B., and Jacobs, G.H.: What determines unique yellow, L/M cone ratio or visual experience?, in 9th Congress of the International Colour Association, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.4421, 275-278 (2002)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D. R., Carroll, J., Neitz, J., and Neitz, M., Chromatic adaptation can cause long-term shifts in color appearance that arise in binocular visual pathways, Inves. Opthalmol. Vis Sci, 42, S720, 2001. ARVO 2001
  • Yoon, G.Y., Hofer, H., Chen, L., Singer, B., Porter, J., Yamauchi, Y., Doble, N. and Williams, D.R., Dynamic correction of the eye's aberration with the Rochester 2nd generation adaptive optics system, Inves. Opthalmol. Vis Sci, 42, S99 (2001)
  • Yoon, G.Y., Chen, L., Singer, B., Yamauchi, Y., Hofer, H., Porter, J. and Williams, D.R.: Design of the Rochester 2nd generation adaptive optics system for the eye, OSA Annual Meeting (Oct., 2000)
  • Hofer, H., Singer, B., Yoon, G.Y., Chen, L., Yamauchi, Y. and Williams, D.R.: Performance of the Rochester 2nd generation adaptive optics system for the eye, OSA Annual Meeting (Oct., 2000)
  • Roorda, A., Williams, D.R., Yoon, G.Y., and Yamauchi, Y.: The eye's optics, the trichromatic cone mosaic, and human vision, Perception, 29, S43 (2000)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D.R., Calderone, J. B., Brainard, D. B., Roorda, A., Neitz, M, Neitz, J., and Jacobs, G. H.: Is unique yellow determined by the relative number of L and M cones?, Inv. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 41, S526 (2000)
  • Yamauchi, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Influence of chromaticity of illumination on the limitation of surface-color mode appearance, Inv. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 40, S749, (1999)
  • Yamauchi, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Effects of spotlight and shadow on surface-color mode appearance, Perception, 27, S180-181 (1998)
  • Yamauchi, Y. and Uchikawa, K.: Effects of non-uniform illumination on the mode of color appearance., Inv. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 39, S157, (1998)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Uchikawa, K. and Kuriki, I: Effects of chromaticity on the upper limit of luminance for surface color mode perception, Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Colour Association, 1, 187-190 (1997)
  • Yamauchi, Y., Uchikawa, K. and Kuriki, I.: Brightness, not luminance, determines the mode of color appearance, Inv. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 38, S897, (1997)